Friday, October 6, 2017

Melisa Villarreal on Naomi Klein's, "How Trump Won By Becoming The Ultimate Brand"

Naomi Klein investigates Donald Trump running for presidency of the United States during a time where he was prospering in his business and making millions by leasing his name. He was seen as a successful businessman who like many companies had been profiting from sweatshops and "branding" his name instead of putting in extra effort to make a profit. By running for president, he was able to turn his name into the ultimate brand and expand his image.

At the beginning of the presidential campaign, I recognized Trump as a celebrity and a businessman because I recognized him from television and him being featured in many media outlets. I didn't take him seriously like many people such as Klein and leaders. Trump was never directly involved in politics before running for presidency so it seemed silly that people would think of supporting him. Before reading Klein's, "How Trump Won By Becoming The Ultimate Brand", I never realized that Trump running for president was a step further in his business plan to expand the branding of himself.

Many people would agree that being president of the United States is seen as most powerful position in the world and serves as a role model for people and leaders globally. Becoming president of this country would grant Trump immense power along with his image of luxury and wealth. Klein explains how Trump's branding of himself already gave him a sort of advantage because he was already seen as a wealthy, smart businessman who could "Make America Great Again" with his business skills and intelligence. Him being a businessman made him seem like a better presidential candidate, but at the same time his presidential campaign was making his brand grow in popularity.

Klein's reading makes you more aware of how many leaders make decisions and push for policies based on other people's agendas in order to make money, or in Trumps case he took matters into his own hands and became the ultimate brand by being the most powerful politician, driving his company forward. Through Trump, other wealthy people like himself have been put in positions of power without meeting the qualifications for the job. A prime example of this that we see today is Betsy DeVos. She is currently the U.S. Secretary of Education but before being appointed to her position, she was (and still is) a wealthy businesswoman. DeVos is another business person that wants to have a position where she can make decisions to increase her profit, Trump opened the door for her by appointing her.

Image result for devos not qualified

I want to earn more about how political leaders are affected by wealthy companies and people and how it is becoming easier for people who are only interested in the financial gain of becoming political leaders. 

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